101st Cong. 2nd Session. Providing Federal Recognition for the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina.

Record Number: 

101st Cong. 2nd Session. Providing Federal Recognition for the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina. Report, House Comm. on Interior and Insular Affairs. Report no. 101-685. 12 p. Dated 10 Sept. 1990. Y1.1/8: 101-685.


Amends H.R. 2335 to state that the 1956 Lumbee Act does not bar processing of the Lumbee Petition. The BIA must publish proposed findings on the Petition no later than 18 months after LRDA’s response to any notice of obvious deficiencies in the Petition. The BIA cannot consider size of the Lumbee tribe in its decision.

First Appeared in 1994 Book?: 
Publication Type: