Robeson Trails Archaeological Survey: Reconnaissance in Robeson County.

Record Number: 

Knick, Stanley. Robeson Trails Archaeological Survey: Reconnaissance in Robeson County. Pembroke: Native American Resource Center, Pembroke State U, 1988. North Carolina State Documents depository microfiche G85 2: R6


Documents 314 previously unrecorded sites and gives preliminary evaluations of 20 major sites. Shows that Robeson County has been inhabited for at least 14,000 years. Lists, for each site, prehistoric stone materials (Table 1); prehistoric ceramics and historic artifacts (Table 2); time periods (Table 3); and preliminary assessment of significance (Table 4). Lists previous archaeological research (pp. 25-27). NARC received a National Park Service grant for “Robeson Crossroads Archaeological Survey, Phase II,” which involved intensive testing of fifteen sites examined in the Robeson Trails reconnaissance. See CIV 21 and 28 Oct. 1993: 3.

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