Q&A: Mary Ann Elliott, President and CEO of Arrowhead Telecommunications (sic)

Record Number: 

“Q&A: Mary Ann Elliott, President and CEO of Arrowhead Telecommunications (sic).” Space Business News 16.11 (May 27, 1998). 1135 words.


This interview with Mary Ann Elliott reveals that she began her professional career after her husband's death left her with three young children to support. She worked for telecommunications companies - including Motorola, Comsat, and Intelsat - for two decades before founding Arrowhead Space & Telecommunications in 1991. The company's name is an acknowledgment of her Tuscarora and Lumbee ancestry. The company's rapid growth began around 1993; it was invited by AT&T to work with them on a large government contract. As of this interview, about 60% of the company's work was government related, much of it in defense.

First Appeared in 1994 Book?: 
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